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i just came to say

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    i just came to say

    To all my friends (even evil Mike )

    i am thinking about it since some months but after few week brain torture about it and 5 years + playing i decided to stop Everquest. The reason is simple, 24 h / day are not enough to manage my wife, my Studie my childreen and EQ properly, since the only thing i can change is EQ because i love my wife and my childreen and cant stop my studie cuz i waited 5 years to get it on, it will be EQ that i quit and all the friends i have on it.

    I leaved you since a few month allready cuz i tought playing less would avoid me to have to quit but it dont work and all the new SoD dont know me but i still have friends in here that i want to tell good bye.
    I had a great fun whit you all, even in the bad moment, they are part of game imo.

    i wish you all the best and may the fun be whit you.

    i might log in somewhen to say hello and taunt you all a bit but thats should be all.
    Take care, a friendly wave to guys and a friendly kiss to the girls.


    All the best, take care Vallandril Hope your life turns out to be a good one from here on!

    Manabardhugs !


      had happy and good feelings while reading that bro..

      gonna miss u alot really hope u wont turn off the contact..

      wishing all the best for u Valla and for your family...

      Take care bro.. stay safe and GL with studie
      ___ D R E A M S since 2005 !!! ___


        Bonne chance, Vallandril, a plus tard peut être.


          Bye Valandril
          je suis content pour toi que tu es enfin acces aux études que tu souhaitais faire.
          Bonne continuation RL et bienvenue parmi les retraités d'EQ.



            Take care Val and have fun in your RL.
            But one thing will change - come back when your studie is over, EQ is dieing since
            years it will still die when you come back.


              Take care,less frenchie guy even born at France

              That is not dead wich can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die
              Ph´nglui mglw´nafh Cthulhu R´lyeh wgah´nagl fhtagn


                Bye Valla
                <a href="http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1383367" target="_blank"><img src="http://eq.sig.magelo.com/1383367.png" border="0" /></a>


                  Take care Valla, and family life aint too bad with a beer in one hand, remote in the other, and the soothing sound of wife working hard in the kitchen. ;-)
                  I come in peace! (Jabober does not...)


                    well if you d just shoot your wife and eat your children you d have the rest of your life to study and play EQ from prison if they d let you have an internet connection !
                    might even beat Thancra 3800 aa that way !
                    hehe '
                    oh well Take care and wish the best of luck and happyness in your life even tho we never met .
                    Kurgh Sodnoob
                    <center>http://www.toneseeker.net/SOD-SIG.jpg</center><center>" War is delightful to those who have had no experience of it " </center>

