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Pet tanking parses for those who asked

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    Pet tanking parses for those who asked

    This is summary on pet tanking done September 23 2014 and enough info for you to replicate the results.

    It focuses on actual dmg taken with valid points for comparison, and not some quote out of context in order to promote nerfing.

    Testmob: a feral grendlaen @ City of Bronze --- Level varies between 94 to 96 but same mob was used for all parses.

    Comments: It's an easy indifferent trashmob from an old expansion. It was soloable with merc for mage back in the day and had no evil abilities that could screw it up for you. Hence I choose it as a parse mob.

    The tests was done with unbuffed participants (except magician who was properly buffed because he isn't a tank and afraid of dying).

    EM21 - Enhanced Minion 21, T2 Call of the Forsaken focus. Focused pet summoned as level 100.
    EM20 - Enhanced Minion 20, T1 Call of the Forsaken focus.
    EM15 - Enhanced Minion 15, The focus Bedavir was using.
    WAR-merc - Tank, journeyman Tier 5, with 138 aaxp spent (got all defense) and some gear.
    CLR-merc - As above but Healer.
    Magician - Buffed Magician who summoned the pets and mercs. Very well geared and used Mana Powersource for more AC for these tests.

    The tests shows dmg taken, and key numbers for DI distribution.

    _____TANK_____  DPS taken   Duration    %: Di1/20
    WAR-merc         4659,3     08m23sec    62,14/0,00  MAX DI was 17 at 0,65%
    Earth99 + EM21   4699,7     19m48sec    55,16/0,14
    Earth99 + EM15   4788,7     25m39sec    56,49/0,05  Low-end pet has best mitigation!
    Earth99 + EM20   4956,6     25m52sec    55,33/0,05
    Air96 + EM21     5025,4     17m57sec    50,39/0,47
    CLR-merc         5179,4     11m01sec    57,88/0,00  MAX DI was 18 at 0,43%
    Magician         5181,3     11m33sec    27,07/7,37  Good avoidance!
    Water97+EM21     5475,8     04m46sec    49,45/1,38
    Fire98 + EM21    6124,7     08m54sec    44,10/2,56
    DPS Taken: Lower is better. Notice how much dmg per second they take from a very old content trash mob. With cleric HealsPerSec BaseHeal / (casting + recast time) x aaxpMod resulting in tiny heals (unless twincast/crit) even this old shitty trash mob needs to have plenty of heals to keep it up. Ofcourse there are larger heals (Fraught), but heal per second even lower on that one since the recast time is much longer.

    Notes: Lost aggro so short parse for Warrior. Every pet/merc/me set to passive after a while to not kill mob, and since it wasn't set to MainTank it didn't spend endurance to increase aggro. After he lost it, I figured I go with what I got.

    Water short because I forgot to /pet stop, and after almost 5 minutes the mob started walking away.

    Summary: EM15 has best DI distribution of all pets and best mitigaion in the game. The added avoidance from +1 level is probably only reason why EM21 isn't behind in tanking. The added level of pets really does nothing but changes ToHit by a percentage or so. Everything else is based on the values in Sonys Secret Spreadsheets where the actual stats are, like mitigation. Did Bedavir know this when he started his crusade? I'm sure he knew about it and formed his attack based upon it.

    Warrior merc has outstanding mitigation. Compare it to current "Best Tanking pet in the game" Earth99+EM21 that one has DI 17+18+19+20 equal to 1,91% after last nerfs.

    Background: Bedavir/Vitaliae was a troll already in the old days when I used to read Steel-Warrior. He was one of those guys who spent more hour per week writing posts and playing the "forum-game" instead of EQ. He been back on EQ on testserver just to drum up some lies and "play the forum game like an agitated politician".
    That is my conclusion since I from the start been trying to replicate his parses in WK. First I tried on normal server and it was impossible. Finally I did /testcopy and tried there, but if they were late in bringing the November nerfs over, it was done by the time I arrived. I never found him online so I could have him show me a quickie how to do it. I doubt he would show how he manipulated his logfiles though.

    To put it bluntly: His parses was doctored, altered/edited in some way because there is NO WAY to get the results he getting. (An No! Warrior Aura doesn't explain it, it's a lie to throw off those who like me realized his parses was lies.)
    Now it doesn't really matter how he did since everyone figures he was telling the truth. They didn't know he doesnt play EQ (read posts on evilgamer, he sometimes plays project1999) and just did the whole charade as his own little game. Even Tanks today refuse to believe "one of their own" would do such a thing so if you're a Mage it's really nothing to do (besides leaving EQ which any sane Mage would).

    Conclusion: If you a mage, you are pretty much capped at Enhanced Minion 15. Getting Prestige gear and paying membership fees will basically screw you. Do a Bedavir! Find the sweet buggy EM15 and get latest expansions for free on test!

    Announcement: No feral grendlaen was killed in this test. It was blured between each attempt and left frolicking the fields after last parse done.
    I come in peace! (Jabober does not...)

    I use several parsers to double check results. Especially gamparse can fly off the handle and deliver huge dps numbers on rare occassions.

    * YALP (Best melee parser hands down. Best for doing calcs on delay and stuff too. No framework shit so fast with small footprint. Has some quirks, but it's why I use several parsers.)

    * Gamparse 1.0.4 (Yeah, it sux for this type of parsing because unless I damage mob it will ignore fight. Basically it has tons of problems but only parser you can download today.)

    * EQcompanion (can only be used for small stuff, even last special beta bugs on large numbers). Basically nice since its a battle parser that sums up all friends and enemies and gets total results for the battle with all individuals specified. I use it mostly to keep track of tests and double check numbers so all parsers agree. Not using it otherwise.
    I come in peace! (Jabober does not...)


      You sure your warrior merc didnt use any discs, they tend to use them as soon as they are up.


        > You sure your warrior merc didnt use any discs, they tend to use them as soon as they are up.

        He used fortitude right on engage, but not after that. Have no discs he can use for that long anyway so his DI values are still exceptional. Just like the cleric merc that has no discs I might add.
        I come in peace! (Jabober does not...)


          I see on EQ forums people doing shoddy parses and think they mean something. They usually forget even the simplest things like removing Rallied Vie the cleric merc puts on everything.

          I can block it on pet but not on merc, so here is what I did to get rid of it from my nice graphs and pie charts. (And I love pie-charts!!!)

          /stance passive
          Click off any merc buffs, and stuff... send in mercenary to fight!
          /stance balanced (or reactive if need be)

          Now it will be busy healing, and buffing is out of the question until the fight is over.
          I come in peace! (Jabober does not...)

