Hi & Greetings
It's nice to see how well SoD is doing.
I checked member list and there are lots & lots of new names.
Strange how fast time goes, I feel it was like yesterday when I camped out somwhere in Norrath (I must have been 3 years ago or more). I re-activated the account and suddenly noticed I had to download 5-6 expansions.
I'll be slacking around Norrath in the guild Boneheads of Butcherblock along with some old friends. Just thought I'd say hi and that I'm very impressed with the progress.
Dkine (the old slacking rogue)

It's nice to see how well SoD is doing.
I checked member list and there are lots & lots of new names.
Strange how fast time goes, I feel it was like yesterday when I camped out somwhere in Norrath (I must have been 3 years ago or more). I re-activated the account and suddenly noticed I had to download 5-6 expansions.
I'll be slacking around Norrath in the guild Boneheads of Butcherblock along with some old friends. Just thought I'd say hi and that I'm very impressed with the progress.
Dkine (the old slacking rogue)