Hello old guildies, See you been busy during the time i took a long break from the game and left SoD or rather kicked due inactivty. Many many new faces, barley know the half of you, but pleased to see you grown and become stronger.
Congratulations on No.1 guild on Antonius Bayle, WTG guys realy well done
so have you been able to kill Razza yet? or he is still hiding from raids?
Zanka can speak english now? i've heard dellusional have teached him
Belum still singing and training the raid? bcuse otherwise i were very good at trains even though belum teached me the dirty tricks how to make them perfect!
Good luck on the next expansion guys
Be well all!
Congratulations on No.1 guild on Antonius Bayle, WTG guys realy well done
so have you been able to kill Razza yet? or he is still hiding from raids?
Zanka can speak english now? i've heard dellusional have teached him

Belum still singing and training the raid? bcuse otherwise i were very good at trains even though belum teached me the dirty tricks how to make them perfect!
Good luck on the next expansion guys
Be well all!